Mentoring a cynic to become a scholar over the course of twenty years is not the norm, but it is how IXO got started and an example of how we come alongside an individual who has great potential.
In the case of our scholar in the making, his rough edges were actually the attributes that drove him to question, made him a thorough researcher and passionate communicator. IXO staff and associates encircled M. with friendship, mentoring and accountability during each phase of his training and ministry. He is an accomplished linguistics and theology professor and a mentor to many emerging leaders in Asia. IXO walks with individuals like M. as well as small organizations so that they realize their dreams and calling.

Like teenagers, entrepreneurial leaders sometimes outgrow their parents' hovering control. When they come knocking at IXO’s door, we encourage them to reconcile their differences with their current organization and finalize their decisions before we will talk with them. One such individual working in Europe had his hands in so many mentoring pies all over Europe that he had been directed to remain in just one country. Whereas IXO facilitates ministry with some organizations, in other cases like G’s, we take them on as IXO staff. G. has a long history of raising up and training pastors, creating sports outreaches and mentoring Interns. G. knows what he is doing and does it well. G. needs the back-end support, encouragement and care to free him to continue networking all over Europe.

It is said that much of theological education in Asia is a thousand miles wide yet only an inch deep. A group of leaders in a city in Asia reached out to a seminary in the States for assistance in developing a theological curriculum. D. was drawn into the discussion and decided to return to his home country to act as Academic Dean and basically run the new seminary. Neither school nor a partnering organization could provide the logistics and administrative support to enable D. to travel often to Asia. IXO stepped in to accommodate this five-year project. A few years after establishing the seminary D. came back to IXO when he and his wife needed flexible support for a new project.

Two College baseball players went to Germany with Athletes in Action years ago. They felt compelled to remain in Germany to develop the sport of baseball and plant a Christian church. The German government would not let them run both organizations together, so Stephen and Rob came to IXO for a solution. IXO formed a secular World Baseball Xchange, WBX, for Rob and Won By One International, WBOI, for Stephen.
These two organizations under IXO have thrived by working with youth, by planting an International Church and by creating a range of teams in their city from t-ball to professional.

It seems like Haiti takes the brunt of most catastrophes that affect the Caribbean. In addition, they have the highest poverty level in all the Americas as corruption robs the people of everything that is left. After the devastating earthquake in 2011, Dr. Walford Thompson and his wife Jen decided to design and build a home that would withstand the forces of hurricanes and earthquakes. Now thirty-three homes later, Home By Home, a subsidiary of IXO, is still building homes in Fontamara for about $6,500 each. Roland Joynes partners with four leaders of the local church to manage and build each home with volunteer laborers from the entire town.
Dr. Thompson then helped IXO form HBH to better serve disaster relief in Haiti. IXO facilitates what entrepreneurial Christian leaders envision and create.